Social Value Commitment & Achievements

It has been a busy and productive year for us at IWC, and we are proud to present our Social Value Annual Report. At IWC, we understand that Social Value refers to the wider financial and non-financial value created by an organisation through its day-to-day activities. This encompasses the wellbeing of individuals and communities, the social capital created, and the impact on the environment

Our commitment to Social Value is demonstrated through various initiatives and practices that aim to enhance the quality of life for those around us. We focus on encouraging the use of local resources, which not only supports our sustainability policies but also strengthens the local economy. By procuring goods and services locally, we ensure that our operations contribute positively to the communities we serve fostering a sustainable future for all.

Throughout we have undertaken numerous projects and initiatives that reflect our dedication to creating social value. From community engagement programs and charitable contributions to environmental conservation efforts, our activities have been guided by a deep sense of responsibility and a commitment to making a meaningful difference

In this report you will find detailed accounts of our achievements and the impact of our initiatives, working towards a more sustainable and socially responsible world!