IWC Work Experience for Students

We recently welcomed two work experience students, Alex and Regan, who have had a wonderful time with us. Both students, aged 15, are from a local school

Alex, with an interest in a career in construction, wanted to get a feel for surveying. Regan, whose strongest subject is Maths, aimed to spend time with both the accounts and surveying departments.

Over the week, they have immersed themselves in various tasks, including tender build-up, take-offs and valuations, subbie and PAYE pays, invoice processing, and bank reconciliation.

While both have enjoyed their time in the office, Alex discovered that he is more suited to a hands-on role. He will be returning next year when he turns 16 to gain work experience on one of our sites. We hope to see him back in a few years as an apprentice carpenter, as he has particularly enjoyed the carpentry aspect of the job and wants to pursue a career in the industry.

Regan, on the other hand, found the surveying elements of the job fascinating and is considering a future career as a surveyor. He hopes to run the projects Alex will be working on in the future!

Both Alex and Regan are polite, well-mannered, and have integrated nicely with our team. They are a credit to their school and parents.

It's been an absolute pleasure hosting them for the week, and we very much appreciate their thoughtful cards and chocolates as a token of their gratitude