Accredited Living Wage Employer

Let’s celebrate Living Wage week 14th - 20th November 2022

The Living Wage Employer Accreditation is managed by citizens UK, an initiative to combat wage inequalities, it provides staff with security and a long-term commitment to a wage that always meets the cost of living every year.

At IWC we value our team and with this at the forefront we are pleased to announce we are now an Accredited Living Wage Employer. As a company employing over 30 employees and a sub-contract workforce of over 100 highly skilled carpenters, we believe It is our responsibility to ensure our staff deserve a wage that meets every day needs. Many thanks to Bridie our Financial Director for investing in our workforce and pledging our commitment to the real Living Wage.

Fact – The Living Wage campaign has lifted almost 400,000 people out of in-work poverty. Over 300,000 employees have received a pay rise as a result of the Living Wage campaign and The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by over 11,000 UK businesses.